Thursday, November 4, 2010

Belladonna: In Italian, Beautiful Woman

Welcome to Belladonna Flowers by Design! A small business designed to provide you with beautiful flower arrangements, displays and bouquets for your weddings or events.

As some of you may or may not know, "belladonna" is a lily native to South Africa. It's has many names among which is deadly night shade due to the dark poisonous berries on the plant.
The name Belladonna comes from the Italian words meaning beautiful lady. It's been said that the Italian women used to dilate their pupils by placing a drop of belladonna in each eye, making them more beautiful in the eyes of Italian men. The juice from Atropa belladonna was also ingested by some females to cause their skin to appear more pale, another desired attribute of women at that time.
The name belladonna was inspired by a dream I have to donate proceeds from this company to a charity I want to start someday. A charity designed to inspire and reach out to women who need a new start in life. Women who have been victims of domestic violence, cancer patients, refugees or women who have lost hope. This will be done by reaching out to them by way of Yoga, floral design, skiing, climbing, biking, painting or other various activities.
Please contact me at or call at 801-580-1016 for bookings.